Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Personal Learning Networks

Personal Learning Networks are ways in which educators are able to connect with other educators. Through these connects we are able to grow in our specific contents and become the best teacher that we can be! Unfortunately, many educators are unaware that personal learning networks even exists! I know, because I was one of those misguided educators. :(. Nevertheless, I now know and I'm excited to start connecting.
(image courtesy of barnettelizabethedm310.blogspot.com)

Personal Learning Networks are networked through the use of social media. Hence, my first step to creating my PLN was to sign up and create a twitter account. The image below shows my twitter name and the image I used as my profile. If you can not see the name its says

The next step in creating my PLN was to send out my first tweet and let the world know I was here and ready for take off! So here's what I decided to tweet:
Very direct, huh? I wanted to get straight to the point so I am able to grow my network as quick as possible. It must've work too! After following a few other twitter accounts related to education, I received my first retweet, gained two followers, and as added to a list!!
Boy oh boy, this is getting exciting!! Im very happy and anxious to connect with other educators to learn new and fun ways to teach. Now I have to work towards connect with other people so I can get my "followers" up!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited by the possibilities, and I hope you are as well. Best of luck as you work to develop a personal learning network!
